How to create an account on ZRU?
To create an account, you need to contact our sales team to get advice and receive the registration link.
If you haven't been able to contact us yet, you can do so using the following form:
Register on the panel
When you receive the registration link, follow these steps:
Click on the registration link we sent you.
Fill in the requested fields. Don't forget to provide your professional email and choose a secure password.
Keep in mind that the account you are registering will be the Administrator account, which will manage all environments (both test and production) and will be able to grant access to other accounts.
Accept the Privacy Policy as well as the Terms and Conditions and click on Create account.
You won't need to sign anything else with us, as everything necessary is included in the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.We remind you that there is no minimum monthly cost or commitment.
Once you have registered on our panel, you will receive an email to verify your account and that's it!
You will then be able to access the panel and configure your profile.